Church Made Simple

We are a warm, loving church family committed to Jesus and serving the community around us.
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A Place to Belong

We’re simply a group of imperfect people whom God has brought together to worship Him, serve others, and rejoice in the life that He gives us.  We purpose to intentionally influence all people towards following Jesus Christ.  Though our congregation is diverse, we are united by a common life-changing experience with Christ. You can experience the difference Christ makes too, regardless of your background or situation.

Sundays at 10am

181 Wolf Pack Run, Deltona, FL 32725


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Whether you’re looking for a new church or simply a place where you can belong, we can’t wait to meet you! We’re simply a group of imperfect people desiring to follow Jesus and serve others with love and honor.


Missed a Sunday? No worries. Every Sunday Pastor Fred Lowry and/or our church leaders teach through the Bible as we learn more about who God is and who we are in light of His good news.


As we continue to follow Jesus in the every day “stuff” of life, there are multiple ways to connect with others in this venture to learn more and serve people & our community.


We want every child who is part of our Cross Walk Kids Ministry to grow and believe these 3 Simple Truths:

1) I can TRUST God no matter what!
2) I need to make the WISE choice!
3) I should TREAT OTHERS way I want to be treated!

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We are a youth group consisting of students 6th – 12th grade. Our focus is to learn more about Christ by diving deep into His word. While doing that, we have a great time participating in recreational games, outings, and special events. Come on out! We’d love to get to know you more.
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Young Adults

Young adults meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm in the activity center led by Associate Pastor Jordan Hicks. This is an invitation to all college students and young adults. We have great conversations about God’s Word and applying that to our daily lives while adulting. We also do occasional fun events as a group too.

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We believe our calling is to glorify God by loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and intentionally loving our neighbor as ourselves. Throughout the week, we offer guided opportunities for adults–young and old–to further their knowledge of Christ and learn how to follow Him in the everyday “stuff” of life.
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